Friday, August 6, 2021

Sabrina in Senegal: an Ode to Emily in Paris

 Have y'all watched the series Emily in Paris on Netflix?  Well, you should.  It's really quite good.  I know it was a pandemic kind of a watch but nothing in my mind could top the Tiger King so I skipped it until last week.  And then it sparked an idea for a blog post.  

My lack of French language skills.  

I will be the first to admit it, and the last to utter a word of French to a French speaking person.  

In the show (no spoilers!) Emily lives in Paris unexpectedly and doesn't speak a lick of French.  Quite like myself!  Well except the 'unexpectedly' or the 'Paris' part, but you catch my drift.

Ever since that faithful day way back when the Army said we were going to a French speaking country I was like "I can do this!"  Think again, oh little Army wife with big ideas.  You are NOT a language type of person.  Those people ((ehem Ryan)) just get it.  No trouble at all.  Not me.  It just doesn't click.  Sure I took so many years of Spanish.  Took about a years worth of German lessons while living there.  And the Army even sent me to fancy French school in DC.  But it still just doesn't click.  

So, back to the point.  When Emily shows up they all make fun of her for moving there and not speaking French.  Hate to break it to y'all, sometimes shit happens and you cant learn and entire language before you move some where.  I have been made fun of TWICE this week alone. To my face.  

                                                "You moved here a do not speak french??"  

Thats right, I did.  And I'm here now, so why don't we just be a little nicer about it.  Though, I cant actually say that to anyone.  Not only because I am too afraid to, but because I just plain don't know how.

Yes, google translate is a great app.  I use it often with our sweet, kind, and oh so patient housekeeper Delphine.  But shit literally gets lost in translation on the regular.  For example, asking to wash the sheets.  I googled linens.  Nope, that just means all laundry.  Ok, maybe sheets?  The damn word looks like drapes.  I don't want her to wash the damn window coverings!  UUUUUUUgh.  Once at a restaurant in Rabat I asked for shampoo on my pasta, not the mushrooms I intended.  Awkward. 

It's the pronunciation of  french words that really gets me.  I was taught in German to say every damn letter I see.  Now, nope not that one.  Oh yes, we MUST say that one.  This one looks like it should say this but its actually this. Let's not even start on all the special characters and accents.  One goes this way the other goes that way.  Two totally different sound. Duh! 😑 

Are y'all actually serious??  So confusing.  

I am taking classes here.  It's like riding a bike.  I get it. Kinda. Two hours a week, its a good start.

But it's the speaking part that throws me off.  Im so intimidated.  Ryan corrects me all the damn time.  I know he means well and is just helping but it throws me off bc he is correcting just about every word bc I am so bad at it.  But practice makes parfait, am I right?  I know I need to have more confidence in myself.  I know I can do this.  I have three years to at least get a grasp on the language where I am not too scared to go out on my own.  I want to do that, my soul needs me to do that! And I truly want to make my boys proud.

And with that, I leave you with my fave meme of all time. It truly sums up my brain at most waking minutes of the day. 

If there are any other FAO spouses reading this right now I encourage you to get on the learning a language train asap.  Even if its just an app on your phone you check everyday. I use Duolingo.  It will help so very much once y'all arrive to wherever this grand 'ol Army takes you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

A bientot! (see, I dont even know how to put the damn hat on the damn o!!!)

xxxoooo -Bean