Every time we move, the number one question that is always asked is "What does you house look like??"
This last move we were lucky enough to get some photos from the previous occupants, but of course they never do any justice.
We live in the neighborhood of Ouaga called Zone du Bois. The houses are closer together, there are more restaurants, and the International School is over here. Its nice. Chickens ca-cawing, the Call to Prayer, motor bikes whizzing by. Red Clay streets littered with trash and potholes, random goats wandering (i keep trying to entice one in...), and practically every tree in the entire city is on our side of town. Lush and green, especially now in the rainy season. We met a neighbor. She stopped us and said hello and welcome to the neighborhood. Not a LICK of english. Guess im not popping over for happy hour.
This house is amazing. Like, seriously guys, we lucked out completely. (as we usually do!!) Four bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms. Huge back yard. Front veranda. Back patio. And of course the pool! Why we need so much room, I am not sure. But ill take it! After living in on post housing all over the US, then to our literal mansion in Rabat, on to the on post housing of Stuttgart (yeah those neighbors where close!), and then to the atrocity of Row Houses in NE DC...this place is glorious. If i am in the kitchen I can't hear the boys in the back bedrooms. If the doorbell rings, its an actual 50 yard dash. BUT I A'INT COMPLAININ'! When people come over, they say wow. It makes me happy.
There are a couple of facebook groups dedicated to Embassy housing, and our beloved and dreaded Drexel furniture. Drexel Heritage to be exact. And they certainly don't make it any more. Its often found in state side thrift shops, and a huge joke of the embassy community. But, its sturdy. It holds up with family after family. And its here when we get here. Sure its not the best looking, but it works. We are not allowed to paint them, much to my complaints. We can recover with fabric or slip covers, and there is nothing like adding your own personal touches such as centerpieces and throw pillows. So "fancier" embassies have nicer furniture, but I feel its a right of passage to have a home with the Dreaded Drexel at least once. And we are on post number two...only up from here...amiright??!

Our living room is pretty large, but everything is of centered. And my OCD is fully triggered. The lights, exposed beams, outlets, and windows are not centered. ::le sigh:: The TV is the Embassy's, and its nice that its part of our "Welcome Kit". We were told when we were first looking into moving here that AFN (our way to watch cable) boxes were not available. So we bought one while in Germany. Come to find out, we didn't need to as the house came with a cable box. Bonus!
And our house came with the cringe worthy gold couches. (we have actually purchased couches in this color before, shhhhh dont tell anyone ) But they will match our stuff, so that is a success! And the exposed beams are swoon worthy in my opinion. And that little door to the right is another bathroom. Super tiny, and Knox is the only one who uses it bc its comparable to an airplane bathroom. Up those two steps is the dining room. Our table seats 12. Yes, TWELVE. I don't even know 12 people in Ouagadougou!
Extra guest room, or as Ryan likes to call it. His dressing room. Also, Lu likes to call this room her own. And it has its own bathroom! (No photo, sorry!) That window looks into the kitchen and laundry rooms. So strange.
Main bathroom. It has its quirks and charms. The shower rod thingee is falling out of the ceiling. The towel rack is falling out of the wall. The door slams into the toilet and the cabinet is missing a knob.
Office/Guest room. Technically right now the room that holds the stuff we are not sure where we are going to put yet, As in our luggage.
Knoxers room. He seems to like it. "I can see the pool from here!" That kid.
Master bedroom. Its the smallest, but it has an adjoining bathroom, so we will make it work once our king size bed shows up. If it ever shows up. Once again, another blog post should be written about the traveling Purple mattress.
And finally, the master bath. Again, nothing fancy, but it works. Its the only bathroom with a tub, so the kiddo has taken it over. He thinks the bidet is the coolest thing on earth. Hasn't used it yet, but is very curious.
Well, that is a tour of our house. I hope y'all are happy now. Hahaahahah. I seemed to have forgotten the kitchen and laundry rooms. I leave it up to your imaginations. Every bed room has plenty of storage space. Albeit, strange storage. And there isn't a closet near the front of the house, which makes me wander with rain jackets until i toss them on a random piece of furniture. Knox's rain coat is on the top of a book shelf right now. We also have a pile of shoes on the front veranda. Makes it more homey in my opinion. Im sure i am leaving something out. Let me know if you have any questions.
A little side note:
Thanks for all the love, guys. It really means a lot to me! I know this blog isn't much, but its me. I do hope you read it in my voice. I hope it makes you smile. and I definitely hope it makes you laugh out loud. I am not a professional in any way shape or form, but I want this blog to be a away for everyone to get a little glimpse of my (our) life here in our corner of Africa.
And a big shout out and love to my dear sweet patient husband. Who encourages me so much, probably too much, and never scolds me when i say something he doesn't agree with. You are the best. And i can hear you rolling your eyes from over here.
Til the next time guys, signing off from Wild Wonderful Ouaga!